Thursday, February 23, 2012

The top slot syndrome!

Do designations matter? Yes they do for almost all of us and that is reason enough for the great sarkari marathon, run not for the nation but for self perpetuation.

I often wonder why the honchos whom I regularly deal with, spend their lives aiming for the next or the top slot. These honchos never live in the present and therefore the question of delivery does not arise. And India therefore does not deliver. A nation, almost sixty five years of age miserably failing in providing even basic services to its citizens, that is what these honcho’s have brought the nation to.

A nation brought to its feet by its very own bureaucracy!

A post is just the means to deliver. Yet it is the misfortune of this nation that, the entire bureaucratic setup, cutting across sectors and services, regards it as a means for self perpetuation and self gratification. And so we have the top slots occupied by people who have never delivered, yet have kept themselves occupied by plotting and monoevring for gains with which even they are not able to identify themselves at the fag end of their careers. Almost all the top brasses that I have bumped into have been frustrated and demotivated creatures, who actually should have no right to be so, having reached the pinnacle of their careers. And without exception they blamed their subordinates and the system for their failures.

Top guys are not expected to give excuses!

What else one can expect from people who remain frustrated and demotivated and blame the system and others, despite occupying the top slots that the organization has on offer. If only these very johnies had a positive purpose and regarded a slot as a just means to achieve the same, the realities would have been much different, for them as well as for the nation.


1 comment:

  1. I do not feel it easy to remind you, you have once said " Do your best and forget the rest". Neither these bureaucrats nor the system nor our personal moral is going to change. We have been brought up with a certain morale. Others may be different. Let them be happy as they are. If they feel comfortable in curse in depression & in loneliness let they be. For the whole life they have sou anger, dis-satisfaction, attitude. Now at the end of the day they have to taste the fruits.
    I have been seeing you as a positive person ever ready to do a change. You will see the day will come when you find something has changed. Your efforts has borne some fruits. You might not gain from your efforts, but someone somewhere would be gaining. Sea helps making a cloud but least experience the rain. Mountains least help making a cloud but enjoys most of the rain.

    All is well. If not All will be well.
