Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The city of hope and beyond

I returned from Bhopal, the city of hope today morning.

Bhopal visits are always emotional affairs. The staff of Madhya Pradesh Tourism, the bureaucrats, the media and even the politicians and the unions, all give me a feeling that my not returning to the state for a third tenure is an unpardonable crime. I agree that I have to go back for the third and final tenure. Only God knows when.

There is something about the city that lightens up my heart and also my entire persona, immediately after alighting from the train. No doubt, it is a state managed well by Shivraj Ji, but there is more to it than merely being a state that is on the move. It is a state that accepted me, an outsider as one of their own and gave me heaps of love, respect and affection and now remembrance for all that I did in the pursuit of my own happiness.

It is also a state that allowed me to explore and then actualize my own, hitherto hidden potential. That so much could be accomplished in a three years tenure is a lesson that even I would find it difficult to forget. A commercial as well as a sarkari turnaround of a phenomenal level was achieved, thereby propelling the state to the forefront of Indian tourism in a modest time frame and in the process the state tourism corporation came to be recognized as an icon of success and change.

Railways on the other hand has evolved into an organization that neither recognizes, nor desires brilliance. The working of this feudal and highly sycophantic organization stands out as a sheer contrast to what I encountered in my previous posting. And that explains the ridiculous scenario in which we find ourselves – a commercial organization in a monopolistic situation in a sellers market racing to its doom. An organization where almost the entire senior brass, have no clue whatsoever about the purpose of their existence in the organization.

Give the men a reason for their existence, a reason that is linked to a cause and then witness the blossoming of the men and the organization they work for.

Is there hope beyond the dark clouds? I hope there is!

Insha Allah, we shall survive and then overcome.


  1. Sir,
    It's not only Rly.s but also it's PSU.So, highly feudal the way it's commercial officers of Rly.s behave in this Commercial PSU of Tourism & Catg. that we feel totally outcaste n donot know reasons for their existence in our PSU. What for n why have they come on deputation when they have nothing to contribute +vely to create something when there is so much to. If they have to behave like a big Jamindar, Rly.s may be the suitable place where they might have learnt to behave so, what for are they in a PSU, is the question we have not been able to get answer of.

    I sometimes surprise that there is sooooo much to do here n what we are doing is nothing. this approval that approval to land up nowhere. are we really doing service to nation? when we can certainly improve & are not able to do so.
    we may also be in dire need of someone like you. unfortunately, we might have also been left out from sight too. I also think that when you have contributed so much in the sector in ITDC & MPT why this PSU which is your very own being under the rly. ministry is still being left out when most outstanding people of it's sector await for a go agead.
    Certainly only God knows the ans.

  2. Your posting at one post or other, your being respected & regarded as what you were is not very important. Important is that you are loved by your subordinates, your family, your colleagues and those you have loved during your career. MD in MP Tourism or Chairman in ITDC or a DRM in Railways - you have been holding nearly top slots. Answer yourself "Is your wife satisfied with your working schedule", " Do you get sufficient time for you children", " Have you spent a holiday with your family without discussing your office work".
    People who see you in your official capacity always have an agenda in their mind. Do you remember those who have worked for you sometime to achieve what you are today - be it in your school/college.
    Your profile says you have achieved wonders while you were in Museum. You have passion for Steam Engines. Do you remember people who helped you during those days.
    Real respect is in the heart of those who stand by you when you were is distress. They might nor came stand in folded hands but they have a great respect for you in their heart. They want no favours, just respect from the bottom of their heart.
    Every one salutes the rising sun. We must salute the darkness that gave way to the sun to rise and let it spread its light.
