Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why government offices have to be sloppy?

Is being sloppy, a mandatory requirement for offices classified as government offices? I think yes, for one rarely comes across a government offices that is efficient and smart. Dirty files, sloppy furniture and absence of decent basic amenities define a sarkari office in India. And on top of that there is an official who is unconcerned, generally corrupt to the core, totally uncommitted, and who treats vistors and the general public with utter disdain and contempt.
Why can't something be done about them? Why the same guy who keeps his house in a state of absolute polish and shine adopts a different attitude when it comes to his office? Is it apathy, ignorance or immaturity? Why cant we keep a place where we spend a very substantial portion of our lives in an efficient and smart state? Why cant it be mandatory for sarkari offices to be as efficient and smart as corporate offices and then perform and deliver functions that they are intended for?
But I have learnt my lessons. An efficient and smart offices helps me to perform besides keeping me in a good state of mind. And so the first thing I do on joining anew assignment is to improve first my chamber and then the whole office that directly reports to me. This has generally also resulted in much improved attendance, both in terms of number of days as well as number of hours. The sarkari people than start liking spending time in their offices with consequent improvemnt in the delivery systems.
Perhaps our hindu mindset is responsible. The way we keep our public places of worship is disgraceful to say the least. Each of us who visits our temples ads to the filth and squalor of our temples. Yes there are exceptions like the Vaishno Devi and the Tirumala shrines, but exceptions they shall remain as we shell never learn to keep our offices and places of worship in a smart state.

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