Saturday, October 8, 2016

Life is all about being human

The meaning of life itself puzzles me. Is it about sweating it out and making a difference even though the difference may be inconsequential when one looks at the bigger picture beyond the organization, the nation, the globe, the universe or the humanity itself, or about merely looking after the self and the family? Obviously sacrifices have to be made somewhere for there are no free lunches.

In all my postings I have been privy to tremendous love and affection from my men, yet have been unable to fathom the reason behind the same for what I did was not only normal but also natural and by no stretch of imagination can be regarded as going much beyond the way. It is also true that I have been working hard, harder than conventional norms and have also been paying the price, much more than often along the way, yet merely putting in more hours of work cannot be the lone rationale for more than the fair quota of human affection that one has been receiving.  Perhaps there is something more that one is unable to put his finger upon and the inability to do so finds solace in the reality that if it was really possible to do so, one of the biggest mysteries of life would have stood resolved.

Perhaps it is all about being human, but maybe there is something more to it like destiny or past life “karma”.

My belief in the goodness of men therefore continues unabated, despite the efforts of almost everyone who surround me to believe in the contrary. At all places my experience has been that failures of the management are rubbed upon the staff as their follies and the staff being much lower in the hierarchial ladder have no option other than accepting the blame and silently wondering where he actually went wrong.  It is also unfortunate that aspirational issues of the men are often brushed aside as being of no consequence even though it leads to low staff morale and therefore the outcome, yet the focus invariably remains confined to satisfying the often irrational requirements of the higher echelons.

Such divergent views often have to potential of upsetting the apple cart with collateral damage, yet one is then reminded of what Gandhi once said that a man of purpose would trod his way regardless of what many would otherwise consider not the right path. It is all about belief, believing in what one thinks is right and being prepared to face the consequences of the action that emanates from the belief that many may consider misplaced.

Perhaps life is also about living in an environment with many contradictions. Perhaps grey is the name of the game as it may not be always possible to place issues clearly in white or black compartments. Perhaps the voice of conscience that often knocks but is left unheard is the best course to pursue despite the consequences that a materialistic world may impose.

There are no clear answers yet life is to be lived to its fullest.



  1. In spite or with all contradictions Life is Beautiful.......for there are many shades of grey as the clouds in the sky....and each shade takes us deeper within ourselves
    For after all..... we are multi-dimensional Beings on Mother Earth and each one on his/her journey of Soul distinct from each other.......yet connected like the huge expanse of roots the bosom of the earth..... depending on each other ......yet independent......
    Our Organisation and our staff......beautiful specks in the bigger picture of life......Yes to live out our Karmic blue print...together with the Karmic debt to our Organisation and Ourselves.....
    .....And at times there comes an Evolved Soul.... to gently show the light ......which may have dimmed or is lost due to the Chaos of Energies in the Linear....
    After a long time our Organisation has one such being at the Helm who holds the flame of Inspiration .....who leads by example......who showers affection and receives it good measure....
    Indian Railways loss has become Air India's gain by default....and Shri A Lohani continues to steer this magnificent organisation

    only time will tell how far we have reached many choppy waters and turbulent skies we have left behind......
    What ever is the outcome it would not be for less effort on the CMD's part....but a concerted ...untiring effort.......and may the Universe bless him........and all our staff for rallying behind him and achieving what we have ....and what we will be.....for the path is long....and difficult.....many a times without a companion.....but... "Ekla Cholo Re".....has always been the guiding line for every Spiritual Warrior.......and may the Universe give you more courage and strength.....
    Amen !

  2. Hello Sir !

    I had the pleasure of knowing about you & your achievements from a whatsapp message today morning just minutes ago.
    It shook me and just as we all must, I took it all with a grain of salt as after all it was WhatsApp. But somehow not feeling satisfied with the mere rejection of the information as being honey-dipped, I googled about you.

    And Sir, I can't even tell you how happy I am for doing it and realising I was wrong. How pleasant you made my morning. It was just so refreshing and inspiring. Kudos to you for making this all happen.

    I always thought that bureaucracy has it's limitations in this great country of mine and that there's only so much good that one can do. But you proved it otherwise. You might be the sparkling example of how if one resorts to NISHKAM-KARMA he/she can make a difference.

    Thank you again for making me so inspired and for making this morning special.

    Anuraj S Dhankar
    Deputy Manager

  3. I am a teacher. I got also the information about you recently on WhatsApp. And as Anurag has done I searched on fb and joined with you. And after searching I reached up to your blog. I am reading your articles. I'm so impressed sir. And really made this morning pleasant..
    With Regards
    Nandkishor Bagul

  4. I am a teacher. I got also the information about you recently on WhatsApp. And as Anurag has done I searched on fb and joined with you. And after searching I reached up to your blog. I am reading your articles. I'm so impressed sir. And really made this morning pleasant..
    With Regards
    Nandkishor Bagul

  5. The greatness of human species is not based on the somatic body though many today believe that it is this somatic body that should be groomed and cared for. Yet the greatness is in the power of mind to do good for those around you, to your organization that one work for and the nation at large. This is true for the airline Air India. No way I see that one person even if he/she is at the helm of the organization can do that much but yet can galvanize the others to do good. But sadly though despite your huge sacrifices, yet many in this airline do not do so but merely warm the chairs and collect the salary, with no care for the airline. I find it so difficult to understand why people who are in top positions procrastinate when the evidence is right there and the resources as well to act upon for the greater glory of the airline. This airline with few more people like you in the higher positions can easily turnaround it to make profits in 2017/18 not just operating but total profit even after paying all those interest for loans. Why are people who have lived on this company so ungrateful and do not care for its future? To me it is a mystery. Sir, yet do have faith because there are few who care for this airline and you can surely resurrect it soon.

  6. Excellent seem to have been inspired by Yogesh Chabria, The Happionaire Way, is it so?

  7. Performing 14-16 hrs duty with full dedication not for the sake of overtime ( as I am not claiming it) but for the sake of justifying the salary I am drawing from the company. I know what my company is paying for the post I am heading is much more then the others are paying.
    I am of opinion my identity is the company and I have to fight for securing it.
    I am proud follower of yours.

  8. Have voluntarily retired as an Office Superintendent from Diesel Loco Shed Krishnarajapuram mainly to create awareness about avoidable inefficiency in Govt. Offices and wrote a book 'And So I Lived'. Your work/ life ethics, match a lot...kindly email me yr residential address so as to send my my email id Am looking forward to your coming back and heading Indian Railways.

  9. The unpredictable moments of life makes it more pleasurable & happy as excitement continues but when that situation makes us worried & left alone kind of state, we start cursing life for all the wrong that happens to us. But those not so happy moments actually makes us stronger as human being & make world believe in your abilities & capabilities. Remember when there is friction there is growth. The difficult circumstances which can make or break you determine who we are & what we are made up to. Good times should be relished & difficult times to be introspected as these moments teaches a lot which no class room can ever teach. Success is not a measurement of power, position, profile rather it is a measurement of character, conviction & commitment.
