Friday, August 28, 2015

The inherent goodness of mankind - 2

The huge outpouring of emotions on my last day in the service of the heart of incredible India took its toll. Yes, despite the huge anticipation of an impending challenge that I always looked forward to,  I was drowned in the sea of love and emotions. And why not, the love and affection put on open display by almost everyone in my circle is enough to give pangs of pain to anyone, and I have always been by nature, a very emotional person.

Madhya Pradesh is a lovely state, inhabited by simple people and MPT, by hardworking and sincere men who lifted the organization from the abyss to everest and I sincerely hope they continue to rise further under bureaucrats whom I always admired and also loved.     

The outpouring of sentiments from men in the air also overwhelms me. Air Indians I am certain are also as good and God willing, perhaps a shade better than the ITDCians, MPTians and Railwaymen. This belief stems from my experience with one such guy who worked with me since the last six months and who is now going to plaster the MP sky with planes, albeit smaller ones. I believe there must be scores like him and that thought alone gives me confidence and courage.

HR is the crux, unfortunately most of us in the sarkari seva pay no heed to it and remain embroiled in the mundane. If everyone is able to realize his or her potential, there is no reason why organizations will not grow by leaps and bounds. The mere thought that all of us, at the core are one with the almighty makes me treat with utter disdain the artificially created divides, for I have often experienced great work being delivered by mortals unfortunately regarded low in the artificial hierarchies.

I often remember with great pride, the rise from abyss of men during the days ITDC was being hived off. The tremendous zeal that my men then displayed to pull the organization out of the red and compete with the best in the private sector often make my eyes swell with tear and pride.

Perhaps I have been lucky, having gotten so much love and respect in the past, and God willing this lucky streak shall continue. This I am absolutely certain will be the greatest test of all my beliefs and convictions, the strongest of which is the belief in the inherent goodness of mankind.



  1. Excellent article, Sir.
    Emotions & thanks extremely well communicated.
    There will be Air Indians who will acknowledge you and I'll make sure of that by writing more newsletters about you.
    Albeit they may be retired but a talent pool waiting to contribute to your success.
    Besides and, as you know, words get around - so do my newsletters.
    Wishing you every success and standing by to serve in any manner deemed appropriate.
    Kishore Shivdasani
    AILREA [Air India Limited Retired Employees Association]

  2. thank u shivdasani saheb. i am indeed touched

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  4. All the best sir.There all lot of hopes from you.

  5. Its sure.Air India will fly high under your command

  6. Its sure.Air India will fly high under your command

  7. Rest assured Sir , the majority of Air Indians are honest and hardworking . All of us know that Air India's financial condition has been imposed on employees by questionable decisions taken by the previous Government in collusion with certain pliable officials .
    Yes , Air India can still be turned around and we shall live up to your expectations as long as we know that our new Apex management team comprises officials whose integrity, sincerity and honesty are unquestionable. Your candid views and faith in the inherent goodness of fellow humans reflects your high EQ , greatness and humility . Only a true leader who is sure of himself and his abilities can respect his subordinates and we are delighted to see such qualities in our new CMD. Lead the way Sir and we shall paint the skies again with glory .

    The former Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Alliance Air has been promoted to Executive Director Training, Air India (now Executive Director Operations) and ED operations(EDAO),Alliance Air has been promoted to General Manager(GM), QMS Air India for creating mess in the operations department of Alliance Air.
    Alliance Air decided to lease eight brand new ATR 72-600 aircraft without proper planning of crew training /absorption which resulted in grounding of aircraft without proper utilisation. Air India is paying the lease amount every day /month for the aircraft which are not being utilised properly resulting in heavy losses. The only Indian examiner on ATR 42-320, Capt Pradeep Sharma has not been utilised as examiner on ATR 72-600. Due to this all pilots are sent for IR /PPC (re current training) to Toulouse, France where Alliance Air is spending more as compared to Asian ATR Training centre, Bangkok. Alliance Air could utilise the services of its own examiner as it was previously doing on ATR 42-320.
    Lack of proper planning for the induction of eight aircraft has put Alliance Air in a situation where it is not able to fly even two aircraft for twelve hours each which is a minimum requirements to earn profit. It is worth to note that Alliance Air has acquired five aircrafts till date and one aircraft is joining the fleet every month till December 2015.
    It can be verified from Alliance Air that during the tenure of Capt Arvind Kathpalia, COO and Capt Sandeep Mehrotra, ED Airline Operations, most of the commanders, co -pilots and instructers/examiners have left the Alliance Air. Many more will leave in near future due to ill treatment of ED(AO).
    This is a pathetic situation where non performers are getting out of turn promotion and allowed to create mess.
    Office of the CMD Air India should look into the matter that Present EDAO Alliance Air got promoted and is continuing in Alliance Air as dual charge. It seems that Air India is running short of performance based people in it's management. Alliance Air needs a thorough enquiry by an outside investigation agency so that truth will come out and the guilty could be brought to task. Public money has been misused by these officials by paying the leasing companies a hefty lease amount without the proper utilisation of ATR 72-600 aircraft and a heavy loss to the government exchequer.
    I hope that the office of the CMD will definitely look into the matter before the matter get worsed.

    The former Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Alliance Air has been promoted to Executive Director Training, Air India (now Executive Director Operations) and ED operations(EDAO),Alliance Air has been promoted to General Manager(GM), QMS Air India for creating mess in the operations department of Alliance Air.
    Alliance Air decided to lease eight brand new ATR 72-600 aircraft without proper planning of crew training /absorption which resulted in grounding of aircraft without proper utilisation. Air India is paying the lease amount every day /month for the aircraft which are not being utilised properly resulting in heavy losses. The only Indian examiner on ATR 42-320, Capt Pradeep Sharma has not been utilised as examiner on ATR 72-600. Due to this all pilots are sent for IR /PPC (re current training) to Toulouse, France where Alliance Air is spending more as compared to Asian ATR Training centre, Bangkok. Alliance Air could utilise the services of its own examiner as it was previously doing on ATR 42-320.
    Lack of proper planning for the induction of eight aircraft has put Alliance Air in a situation where it is not able to fly even two aircraft for twelve hours each which is a minimum requirements to earn profit. It is worth to note that Alliance Air has acquired five aircrafts till date and one aircraft is joining the fleet every month till December 2015.
    It can be verified from Alliance Air that during the tenure of Capt Arvind Kathpalia, COO and Capt Sandeep Mehrotra, ED Airline Operations, most of the commanders, co -pilots and instructers/examiners have left the Alliance Air. Many more will leave in near future due to ill treatment of ED(AO).
    This is a pathetic situation where non performers are getting out of turn promotion and allowed to create mess.
    Office of the CMD Air India should look into the matter that Present EDAO Alliance Air got promoted and is continuing in Alliance Air as dual charge. It seems that Air India is running short of performance based people in it's management. Alliance Air needs a thorough enquiry by an outside investigation agency so that truth will come out and the guilty could be brought to task. Public money has been misused by these officials by paying the leasing companies a hefty lease amount without the proper utilisation of ATR 72-600 aircraft and a heavy loss to the government exchequer.
    I hope that the office of the CMD will definitely look into the matter before the matter get worsed.

  10. Dear Sir
    We have lot of expectations from You..As a frequent flyer of Air India, I had observed one thing everywhere (at Delhi airport, Varanasi airport, New York airport, Mumbai Airport) with air India is that they are not practicing the standard procedures which every airline of world follow. Generally passenger of last rows enter the aircraft first but it Air India I never see that staff is taking the pain to follow this rule.. So always the flight got delayed...and passengers have to stay in queues for longer time.. Also it create problem inside the aircraft..And that is when Air India have maximum staff at departure place. This also bring bad reputation to Air India..So my suggestion to you is that please solve this problem..

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  12. Sir can you please look at the transformation of Garuda airways of Indonesia. It is also government owned but has dramatically improved since taking modernization and complete revamping of its service few year back
