Sunday, August 10, 2014

propelling the nation forward

Spontaneity emerges from the heart. Modi’s address at the BJP National Council reinforces this feeling for what a contrast it was from the prime ministerial addresses of yesteryears as well as more recent times. A stony faced parroting of written down text can never compete with words of wisdom and deep understanding emanating straight from the heart.

The confidence, grace, resolve, commitment and poise that the prime minister of India displayed made me proud – proud of the nation I live in and perhaps for the first time in my life proud of the chief executive of the nation. A chief executive whose only concern is that for the nation as opposed to many others who occupied the high chair only to fulfill their own ambition of going down in the annals of history as those who also ran.

Modi’s concern for the common man and the poor was more than visible during the address. His call to the party to adopt and pursue one social issue every year came out as an example of an out of box thinking inspired by genuine concern for the society. His call for conserving energy displayed his practical approach and also his ground connect. His open declaration that in times to come India's writ would prevail in the international scenario adds to the stature of every aam aadmi of the country. That his approach to the nation’s foreign policy is based on national pride, not on appeasement enhances our respect for ourselves.

The recent changes in the conduct rules for government servants that lays stress on the need to maintain the highest levels of ethical conduct, honesty and integrity besides giving meritocracy its long overdue recognition is like music to the ears. These changes are an avid display of the intent of the government to clean up the much maligned bureaucratic tantra of the nation.

These are changing times in the life of the nation. Yet all that is happening gives confidence that Modi's promise to propel the nation forward will indeed be redeemed. For the first time one can feel the surging feeling of national pride deep in our hearts. 

Thank you Mr.Prime Minister for this wonderful feeling. 

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