Friday, May 16, 2014


The spectacular win of Modi has proved that the people of this country are alive, they do not generally speak out against corruption and mal-governance, yet they speak out when it matters the most - during the polls.

The expectations are very high and so is the confidence of the masses in the BJP Govt led by Modi to be able to provide what the Congress failed at - good governance and to reverse what the Congress was good at - Corruption. Gone shall be the days of scams and open loot - CWG, 2G, 3G, Adarsh, Chara, Railgate and the Coalgate. The perpetrators and the incidents both shall be confined to the dustbins of history.

Happy days are here, not again but for the fist time in the history of an independent India. Hopefully the confines of the Holy Tihar will once again be teeming with scamsters of both varieties - corrupt politicos and bureaucrats and many of them shall be known faces. I only hope railways is not let behind in this race to the holy Tihar. Insha Allah we honest railwaymen shall not be disappointed.

The days of honest bureaucrats and politicos have arrived. Now we shall all be witness to a nation leaping forward. 

1 comment:

  1. If wishes were horses , railwaymen would .............
