Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mental blocks

The number of "full of hope" youngsters that I have encountered during my delhi stint gives me hope that all is not yet lost. A budding youngster told me today that the railways is like chetak of rana pratap that is just waiting for a hint from its master to gallop. Unfortunately while we have a lot of heads in the organization, the number of those who have the capability to lead can be easily counted on fingertips, with a lot of fingers to spare.

And it is indeed sad that many of us have lost hope, lost the will and the drive  to lead where we are  planted, while what is not lost is the yearning for someone else to take the cudgels on our behalf.

It is indeed a leadership crisis of the highest magnitude that the railways finds itself staring at. And the crisis is primarily of the bureaucratic kind, while the political class continues to take the flak.

And so we forever wait for change to happen, the systems to change and things to improve. This wait is however devoid of the realization that for the organization to prosper, we all have to convert ourselves into instruments of change wherever we are planted.

And my boys at the division did it, did it so easily and so well that it made my heart swell with pride. The boys have experienced and also proved that impossible does not exist and the limitations are mainly figments of the mind. Yes there are foolish limitations that we have imposed in the name of  "checks and balances", primarily out of a misplaced belief in the need to mistrust everyone under the sun. And if a man with a gut is able to show these foolish limitations the door, sky is the limit for this great organization, the greatness of which has been kept under check, unfortunately for a long period now.  



  1. Thanks, for being always there, to guide us and show us the light. You are really above the crowd... crowd of common bureaucrats and IAS officers. Where's your new posting? Who are lucky ones to come under your ohra?

    1. i dont yet know my next assignment. i hope it shall be somewhere in delhi or i shall be forced to call it a day

  2. dear Mr Lohani Sir,

    kindly consider this,
    with the person of your caliber and capabilities, i request you to consider switching more demanding field of Social engineering --- heading some socially oriented Big NGO, Some programs run by international agencies like UNO, UNICEF, WHO, Human Rights Watch, Green Peace, and other more sophisticated organisations working for betterment of mankind. Govt Sector department like Rail Transport is small as compared to your capabilities.
    In any case Indian Railways Turing into corporation is not far away and it would definitely acquire better managers with the opening up of PPP model and new professional players in Rail Transport.

    Indian railways being largest player would have to adapt to professionalism in next two decades for sustaining its core competence.

    Talent like you is in a position can better return back to society in a batter way, in next two-three decades.

    hope this piece of advice would find place in your thoughts.

    sincerely yours

    sk pandhi

  3. Will you be posted in railways only or in some other departments like Tourism, etc?

  4. Sir, I have come across very few bosses, who share credit of their achievements with their team (& here, I do not mean only lip-service as most bosses resort to). You have really set an example of how to get the best out of your team and then give them a pat on their back, irrespective of the result...coz a person who hasn't tried will never ever succeed

  5. Wherever you are posted, you must be assured that there is atleast one permanent posting for you and that is in our heart (hearts of your well-wishers) from where you are neither transfered nor replaced nor sent on deputation to some other place.

    Though you are a railway man, tourism is a place where you can excel and shine more.

    All the best.
