Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hope Lives!

The ascension of Parsuram to the apex as the Chief Secretary of Madhya Pradesh has come as a sanjivani for many of us who have lost hope in the system. It is indeed a matter of immense satisfaction that the system that has a matter of routine started throwing up sycophants and nincompoops for top level assignments also at times recognizes the jewels that would otherwise have remained hidden in the omnipresent heap of coal.

Parsuram Ji has been one of my rare bosses who never bossed over but always remained a great friend, a tremendous well wisher and an unmatched guide. He is also one of those rare bureaucrats who have a heart of gold and a spine of steel. Perhaps his name that was also the name of one of the greatest sage of all times, has had an effect on his entire persona that now resembles more a polished diamond than anything else. 

Shivraj Ji  and Parsuram Ji would make a tremendous combination, a combination that is bound to put the state on the highway to progress. A progress based on and inspired by a very strong value system that both these frontliners share, is going to be an everlasting one.

That both the political and bureaucratic masters are going to leave their footprints on the sands of time is also a foregone conclusion, yet what really matters is that both of them are instrumental in rekindling hope in an otherwise hopeless scenario.

If only someone like Parsuram ji occupied the apex slot in railways, railways is bound to rebound.


  1. Seems, you keep a close track of MP.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Respected Sir, I feel very happy to know the news. Sir Parsuram has been lovely to all of us. I am deep now woth all memories. A tourism lover, a complete human beeing. Regards to Sir Parsuram Ji.
