Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Delhi Division way!

My innings at Delhi got over yesterday and I am once again back at the stands awaiting the call of the captain. It is for the captain to decide my next role, whether that is of a batsman, bowler, fielder, standby or a spectator. Whatever be the role, the salary remains guaranteed and therein lies the solace.

The last two days have been memorable. Yet the only thing that needs to be taken care of is that the love and adulation of my men, that was on blatant display in abundance should not go to my head. I have to remain grounded, indeed firmly wedded to the ground.

The roller coaster called Delhi division has indeed left its indelible impression on me.  That despite what the majority of us say and feel, it is yet good to be good and bad to be bad and that is the only thing that really matters. That even in the heartless city of Delhi, the emotions have the capability to flow as freely as in the “back of the beyond” place called Patratu, where I spent some time during my heydays, is a thought that got embedded in the core of my heart. Yes, the basic human being is the same everywhere, with love and respect for goodness and human values and that made my eyes tearful  at the thought that I would be for sometime missing the goodness of the entire team of my officers and staff.  

I am reminded of the moment of my departure from Bhopal, the tremendous outpouring of love and affection, even on the streets of the city, of the excrutiating pain of separation from all those who gave me love, affection and success. I am reminded of ITDC, Patratu, DLW, the rail museum, even ICF and all those other places whose men gave me the meaning of life itself. That the true meaning of power is the ability to be able to do something for the masses is a thought that is slowly getting ingrained deep in my psyche for my own betterment perhaps replacing the deep rooted feelings of ego and self aggrandizement.

Prior to landing on the hot seat of Delhi, I could not have earlier imagined the brilliance and commitment of the entire team of my officers. I also could not have earlier visualized the tremendous commitment of the unions towards welfare of the men, besides miserably failing in assessing the deep love and affection of my men towards me. And that gives me a new line of thought – that despite the penchant of the officer clan for wielding power and exploiting the system for self aggrandizement, the men, the railway men remain the true soldiers the organization has. It is indeed hard not to fall in love with the men in the field, the people who keep the wheels moving. It is harder still to hold them accountable for the ills of the system despite knowing fully well that the nonchalance of the bureaucrats is responsible for the staid state of affairs.

Yes, the Delhi team has infused in me a fresh bout of hope, hope that all is not yet lost and that it is still possible to rise from the ashes and restore the glory of the great Indian railways.  


  1. Contribution of Mr. Lohani as DRM/Delhi cannnot be described in words. One actually has to visit DRM office, stations and places in Delhi divn. to have a feel!! His leadership style launched all the officers and staff under him to the highest level of their potential and may be beyond. Sincere salute to him with prayer to the almighty to locate him to highest position in Indian Railways asap. Amitabha

  2. I hope that God had created more like you...Its difficult to believe that we worked with a legend who can never be forgotten....Thanks to god who make us fortunate to see a person who worth the leadership opportunity yet being a bureaucrat..Amazing see changes which couldn't even being expected.

  3. Come back to MP. The whole department is missing you. The state is in dire need to people like you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Prashant Kumar SinghJune 4, 2012 at 11:22 PM

    I don't think you might be remembering that exactly 20years back it was you, when you came to PWD Colony and inspired me to join SCRA. I was in 8th then. Since then I am trying to follow your suit. Really you are a role model for many. You have got a Midas touch. Specially giving credit to the team. Lot of Chetaks still waiting for a rider like you.
