Saturday, April 28, 2012

Romancing Delhi!

It is packing time again. Hopefully the packing shall remain confined to the office only this time.

It is also a time for introspection, a look at the past on the rear view mirror. And the view is not what one would regret. Yes despite the misgivings about railways that I had just prior to landing on the hot seat of Delhi, I would regard my tenure as one that has given me satisfaction. Yes, much more could and should have been done, yet what was done was also unprecedented and that gives a ray of hope.

It is yet possible to change the railways. Difficult no doubt, but possible, though the effort is generally disproportionate to the results. Perhaps the inbreeding that we have had over decades has brought in tons of complexities in the system and therein lies the problem.

Despite the complexities in the system that have made deliverance almost impossible, the fine team of officers that I have, made things happen on the ground. The brilliance and the capability of almost all of my branch officers amazes me no end. What they could achieve has been stupendous, and this achievement, like all tremendous achievements has been achieved without friction or frayed tempers that are regarded as the hallmark of railway working. Yes, it is true that I have also learnt a lot from my brilliant team of officers including the two ADRM's who shouldered almost everything and left nothing to be done by the DRM.

And that made change possible. A change is a change only if it is visible to a rank outsider and that is what my team made possible. Environmental changes at stations, offices and colonies have started showing. Even streaks of cultural changes are also now visible at times. I have always maintained that brilliant performance in work as well as play is always smooth and this smoothness is now amply visible thereby giving me tremendous satisfaction.

The character certificate given by the CAG of India and the three national awards that the division picked up during the last two years are also a cause of immense satisfaction. I can only hope that the good work shall continue and I shall keep on getting good reports.

What next? Time to move on. Time to change something else somewhere else. That is what life is all about!


  1. Where are you moving, sir? Which department, which place? Delhi will miss you, we will miss you.

  2. God only knows. Well this is railways.

    Yes, I shall also miss the division and my wonderful team of officers and staff.
