Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Great Railway Circus!

Various thoughts firmed over thirty two years of railway service cloud my mind in anticipation of the ensuing rail budget today. That the biggest public sector undertaking in the globe is going through turbulent times is a reality that is disturbing the internal peace of the railway clan.

Dinesh Trivedi is perhaps one of the finest railway ministers ever. A suave, polished and honest gentleman who has a vision for the railways, a vision that if seriously pursued by the railway ministry shall give a new and a positive direction to this economic lifeline of the nation. Such opportunities and such ministers are rare and will the railway services (the nine gangs) be able to take advantage of the silver lining is a thought that bothers me.

Reports of the Kakodkar and Sam Pitroda committees are not eye openers. We already knew the issues, yet did nothing about them. The reports have simply stated the plain truth. Will the railway bureaucracy that finds solace in petty operational matters of a routine nature, be able to handle the issues that have been highlighted is a thought that has been churning my mind ever since these reports were published.

Indian Railways is a massive organization, the largest landowner in the nation and the biggest single employer in the world. Yet the top brasses of this monolith have never engrossed themselves in matters relating to "land" and "men". I have yet to attend a meeting convened at the apex levels where issues relating to protection/leveraging of land and welfare of the workforce is discussed. How can such an organization that cares two hoots about its land and its men move forward in the twenty-first century is a thought that troubles me.

A commercial organization of the 21st century, the top bureaucrats of which still practice the archaic management style of abusing and ridiculing their own men and blaming everyone else for the failures of the organization.

Well that is the Indian Railways that our humble and visionary minister has to pull out of the abyss. Will he be able to? I live on hope.

Insha Allah!

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    Who can stand in front of the "Great Railways" that u n ur brethrens have made it to be? U all have occupied all the key posts that can be envisaged under the sky of railways. u people thrust the railway system wherever u enter any deptt. or any psu under rly.s.
    What for u people have made it what it is today when it has to borrow 3k crores to run itself n make the advance reservation period 120 days from 30 days just to earn interest from such revenue & still the minister is being blamed or credited. talk of politicos for the blatant failure for the real acts of burea & technocrats of railways, who outnumber their "superior" counterparts in all minst., is nothing than the nude display of the DNA of indians-take no responsibility come what may. What more can be expected from them when they are more compassionate for their own brethrens from their jaaat leaving any room for being passionate to improve railways.
    breaking the shell & coming out of the shackles of unjust glorified history is badly needed by those who consider them to be men.
    Today History needs to be made than to be repeated. We need to become more than our own history.
    We need to become our own allah/god/ishwar. We need to reborn n write our own future for being able to decide the fate for what we do to railways.
    No hope, it must be firm confidence.
    thnx n regards
