Monday, November 21, 2011

Passion is the key

Prannoy Roy in his keynote address delivered at the Sanskriti School on the 19th of this month talked real sense. It was neither a speech, nor a eulogy, it was an advice to the students, an advice that struck a emotional chord with all those present in the hall, young or old.

Passion is the key he said. Passion in whatever one does is the key to success he stressed. So either one has to find his true calling that ignites passion or find passion in whatever one is doing. Any job done passionately leads to success as well as contentment and performed dispassionately is a sure shot failure.

Ashok Pradhan a retired senior IAS officer whom I met today is perhaps a very fine example of what Prannoy stressed upon. Ashok Pradhan was as bubbly and as full of enthusiasm today, as he was over thirteen years back in the hallowed precincts of the Transport Bhawan. It was his enthusiasm and passion for work while working as the director general of tourism that pleasently struck me on my first day in my first job outside the rails. That he still almost looks the same as he was thirteen years ago and still has the same level of enthusiasm reaffirms what Prannoy told the students.

All great men, almost all of whom have achieved greatness by dint of sheer hard work and perseverence have one thing is common and that is passion for whatever they are doing, Sreedharan, Pachauri and Amitabh Kant are other exemplary cases of passionate people at work, that readily come to mind. With passion, one can move mountains and cross frontiers generally considered invincible, even in the sarkari sector where excuses for failure are generally the order of the day.


  1. Sir,
    We, as lesser individuals, are generally inclined to demoralization on leg pulling by our own brethren’s however, what separates boys from men is the ability to digest the mis-actions of our colleagues n seniors n also to see beyond their limits of mindsets & thinking. The dwarf-ness in thought process n it’s development that has pierced n taken over the minds of senior officials has definitely impacted the morale boosting or motivation level in the juniors but conclusively, the winner is the one who can see beyond or as one having ability to see a birds view of the theater where the drama is conducted.
    We need to accept that we are far behind the world in all the arenas we work however, our forward movement further will be decided upon how strong we can think against the prevalent value systems n the thoughts emanated as a result from the cultural carriage that we all carry along in our mindset. The courage to execute n stand with what we belief in n what we think is right will decide the level of passion we carry with us.
    The execution of thoughts as a result of passion will also be dependent on the level of innovation or change we can create. Truly, change is the most permanent thing in this world however, in our own country it difficult to accept n agree in it’s formative shape but once a thing is changed n fruits are sweet, it is digested. Success is also dependent on the degree of change we can foresee n the level of passion we carry to execute it.
    Passion is however the fuel of the engine of change-“the most imminent n permanent thing”.
    thanks n regards.

  2. Sir,
    This b log shows the deepness of your mind towards the passion for work in life. I really appreciate that if someone wants to do anything in life by passion he achieve whatever he wants in his life.
    You are also one of the best example as a DRM of Delhi Division you done a very fantastic job. I heared your name so many times by railway emloyees of our colony.

    with regards
    Akash sharma

  3. Sir,
    This b log shows the deepness of your mind towards the passion for work in life. I really appreciate that if someone wants to do anything in life by passion he achieve whatever he wants in his life.
    You are also one of the best example as a DRM of Delhi Division you done a very fantastic job. I heared your name so many times by railway emloyees of our colony.

    with regards
    Akash sharma

  4. Sir,
    This b log shows the deepness of your mind towards the passion for work in life. I really appreciate that if someone wants to do anything in life by passion he achieve whatever he wants in his life.
    You are also one of the best example as a DRM of Delhi Division you done a very fantastic job. I heared your name so many times by railway emloyees of our colony.

    with regards
    Akash sharma
