Monday, September 12, 2011

A Nation of Discussions and Ideas!

The recent high court blast took the country by storm. I find it amusing that almost everyday there is something or the other that takes the nation by storm. And then we have debates, discussions, comments, allegations, suggestions by the high and mighty in various forums that we, the common citizens of this nation watch with anticipation but do not really relish. Each and every single one on the panel has plenty of ideas about what others have to do to set things right.

An often touted post blast statement reminds us of the fact that while the united states has been able to prevent any such incident post 9/11 while there are incidents galore in our nation. True, but such indictments have to be viewed in light of the fact that no sector in the nation can excel in isolation. It is also rather unfortunate that each and every single one of us expects sterling performance from others and has advice galore on how matters can be improved in all areas other than the ones under his direct control.

Multiplicity of agencies and diffused authority can only complicate matters, not resolve them. Unfortunately even this basic premise is generally not appreciated by the high and mighty of this nation. And we are going ahead with creation of more agencies everyday. The proposed Lokpal is another example. One more thana, one more naka, one more checkpoint like so many others that demand and receive obeisance from the masses.

Despite regular visits to developed nations, our political and bureaucratic masters pick up nothing from them, except perhaps some freebies. These developed nations have moved forward because they have developed and implemented a governing machinery based on trust. Their machinery is simple and efficient, quite at contrast with what we have. And yet this simple fact is what our high and mighty miss during all their sojourns.

Perhaps there is something wrong with the hindu way of thinking. All of us expect godly miracles without us moving even a finger. And therefore while we have accusations and ideas galore, the nation keeps on sitting tight where it is without moving forward even an inch.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    It is a nation of debates & discussion. I hope everyone remembers nawabs of awadh. It is not our only problem. We are also in the habit of putting our nose high enough to sneeze over others. People who want to make difference by improving things are continuously shown their rightful place. The malik - naukar rishta of powerful indian - Aam Hindustani remains.
    Our own in fights & “be united syndrome” (pull down the leg of person going up the ladder) makes us the most suitable successors of the species of scorpions. So, the moment one tries to come out of the pot, he is pulled back to the pot & we again start the discussion & debate on how to get out of the pot. The malaise remains.
    The habit, it seems, is in our DNA. Aryans, Turks, Uzbeks, Mughals, British, Portuguese, French & who not, came, saw, conquered. The strange thing to be noticed was that whoever among them settled here imbibed gulped wholly the habit. The worst hit being the biggest functionary the Govt. The saddest part is that no one is bothered.
    We deadly require the rank outsider Dushyant Kumar to change us.
    Thanks & regards.
