Monday, July 4, 2011

Pygmies have bloated ego's

Never trust a short man, one of my favorite bosses told me long time ago. Right he always was and this advice of his subsequently helped me in forming opinion about people. What my favorite boss failed to realize is that one does not need to be short in stature to be a pygmy.

To be a pygmy, in conduct and action, one need not be a short man compulsively, though it definitely helps. During my visits to Bhawans of various kinds located in the capital city, I am amazed at the proliferation that the pygmy class of people have witnessed in the last two decades. And it is hilarious that generally the pygmies tend to steer themselves towards the corner as well as the larger rooms with greater ease than the giants. So we almost always have a situation with the pygmies occupying the larger rooms and the giants much smaller cubicles in Bhawans that are designed to steer our nation on the path of prosperity.

And the pygmies rule, with invisible ground level impact.

A pygmy is truly recognized, not by his height but by his "EGO". The genuine pygmies have bloated ego's that gets ruffled even by miniscule issues and matters generated by those below him, while even major insults heaped on him at the hands of those above fail to make any impact whatsoever. A genuine pygmy who once occupied a prime room in the second floor of a Bhawan that we all rever, considered massaging the feet of his minister as his "RIGHT" that he cannot be deprived of even by the minister concerned. What devotion!

The rule of the pygmies is here to stay unless the thoroughly outnumbered giants somehow by chance make it to seats that matter in the governance of this nation.



  1. Sir, kudos for apt analysis but it is not a revelation. Since the beginning of societal structure of our civilization we have been ruled by pygmies and even the giants were and are surrounded by pygmies, hounded to behave and act like them. God may not be Omnipresent or Omnipotent (it is my personal opinion) but these pygmies are. They are adept in everything. It is said that one can’t climb a mountain made out of a molehill but these pygmies make mountain a molehill and climb over it and rule the roost.

    Sir, I feel, it arises out of our utter selfishness and self-serving trait. We justify our acts by employing logic which is a handy tool to justify everything, at least apparently. We even put the garb of holiness, sacred-rituals to justify our unnatural and immoral acts. One such example I found in our Hindu society. In Vedic times when land and cattle were the prize possessions, our learned ancestors, (this is no sarcasm, in fact they were. I bow before them in reverence, not because of any religious sentiment but because of their wisdom) were aware of the closeness of composition milk of human beings and cow. They wanted milk of the cow for themselves but at the same time were also aware that this act of theirs would deprive the calf, its natural, moral and legitimate right over the milk of its mother; so they designed a sacred relationship with the cow – they declared cow as their own ‘mother’, thereby circumventing the moral dilemma. We worshipped her through the ages and then suddenly discarded, only to feed and treat her as ritual, more often at the directions of pundits or jyotishis to ward of ill Grih/Nakshatras or for future prosperity or welfare of our own.

    In the present era, irrespective of religious affiliations, people who could make donkeys as their father are very ‘successful’ in every walk of their life. Hindi idiom, ‘Gadhe ko baap banana’ gained currency because of this trait.

    Recently there was a news that a son cremated a dog as his ‘father’ and ‘solemnly’ performed the ‘last rites’ to claim insurance money whereas his biological father was very much alive and living abroad.
    No comments …

    We see normally the ‘deeply religious’ people visiting temples, mosques etc., i.e. abode of their respective Gods with reverence but routinely doing everything immoral, unethical, unnatural; indulging in activities which are forbidden in their religion, rather in every religion and law of the land. But they do such things openly, clandestinely, brazenly and with impunity thinking that no one is watching them!!! … They have customized presence and existence of God according to their own convenience and sweet will. For me if God exists, he is everywhere every time.

    Age old riddle of Epicurus still remain unresolved –

    Is God willing to prevent evil,
    but not able,
    then he is not omnipotent.
    Is he able, but not willing,
    then he is malevolent.
    Is he both able and willing,
    then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing,
    then why call him God?
    Back to pygmies and their opportunism, I recollect a couplet of contemporary Urdu poet Hayat Indori. Taking reference of Sheeri and Farhad in which Farhad was given the nearly impossible task of bringing a river to ‘water starved’ village of Sheeri from across after cutting and making way through the mountain, he wrote-

    “Hum to yun hi chattano se sir takrate rahe,
    kuchh log geeli mitti khod kar Farhad ho gaye.”

  2. Sir, since the beginning of societal structure of our civilization we have been ruled by pygmies and even the giants were and still are surrounded by pygmies, hounded to behave and act like them. God may not be omnipresent or omnipotent (it is my personal opinion) but these pygmies are. They are adept in everything. It is said that one can’t climb a mountain made out of a molehill but these pygmies make mountain a molehill and climb over it and rule the roost.

    I recollect a couplet of contemporary Urdu poet Hayat Indori. Taking reference of Sheeri and Farhad in which Farhad was given the nearly impossible task of bringing a river to ‘water starved’ village of Sheeri from across after cutting and making way through the mountain, he wrote-

    “Hum to yun hi chattano se sir takrate rahe,
    Kuchh log geeli mitti khod kar Farhad ho gaye.”
