Saturday, April 2, 2011

Old foggies lead the way!

The bureaucratic battle is almost won when setbacks fail to inspire bureaucrats to give up. Yes it is true that most of us from the sarkari sector are ready to give up at the slightest hint of things not going as one would like them to go. It is also true that in an environment that generally pervades sarkari sectors, especially sectors of the kind of indian railways, there are everyday opportunities galore to bite the bullet and hit the dirt. The trick however lies in not succumbing to such opportunities.

My team is brilliant, almost each and every one of them. Youngsters normally are, it is generally the old foggies of perhaps my age and seniority and above who have sidelined their brilliance and commitment for what they perceive as career and stability, but have the mandate to screw the nation. And these old foggies also fail to prove themselves as a good human being. It is strange that the transition from a young man to an old foggy generally converts him into an individual who is neither a good officer, nor a good human being.

And therefore the need of the hour is to provide a proper direction to the youngsters so that with age their commmittment, brilliance and human qualities improve, not go down the drain as is generally evident in the old foggies who occupy the highest chairs in the land.

1 comment:

  1. Bureaucrats will remain as they are...becos thts wht they r here for. Gettin into a govt. job remains a privilegentia for the select few who have the "capability" to beat the reach a seat of power, pelf,wealth,status etc etc. We cant have apples on a mango tree.
    Of course there r exceptions...nd that proves the rule.
    individual brilliance in governance doesn't mean much unlike in academics and research unless it transforms systems and mindsets. But is there a feedback or an assessment for that in government. Even the most well intentioned has valid reasons to have doubts on his thots nd viewpoints.
    Old 'foggies' r important....very encourage the young,to be brilliant. To have the right set of values.

    The ' Anna Hazare' campaign is powerful. And as risky as any power is, if it's not directioned well. Don't we have enough checks and balances in the system to prevent the corrupt. In fact we have too many. Add one more and wait for the magic.
    We may have one 'gud' chap against 100. But ny system which prevents tht one gud man to perform will have a far greater damage than the lack of many, allowing 100 to malperform.
