Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Courtesies Vs Respect

It foxes me when people occupying high chairs lay a higher premium on the common courtesies displayed towards them by their subordinates than on the deliverance exhibited on the work front by the same subordinate. That this is a common trait displayed by the majority of the officialdom that invariably exists for its own sake is beyond doubt.
Why is it so that massaging the ego of superiors has in recent years emerged as a matter of higher concern than excellence on the work front? Is it because of the reign of the mediocrity, or because the focus has shifted away from deliverance, towards issues that are more personal in nature? Or is it because of a rotten and perverted system of assessment that we in the sarkari system tend to follow? And therefore we have a thriving sycophantic system that finds appreciation and acceptance from even the mightiest and highest in the land. No wonder our nation continues to be “developing” forever.
The definitions therefore need revision. What constitutes respect and what does not, needs to be better defined and appreciated. That the measure of respect that an individual has for his peers, superiors, system, organization and the nation should be defined only by his dedication and commitment to the job at hand, not by how much he kowtows to the powers that be.


  1. Sir, it is true, it is happening in our over al system of sarkari system and also in others too.

    Badan Singh

  2. Sir,regard,respect, adoration are very personal and emanates from the core of one’s heart for the person whom someone thinks close to one’s ideology and philosophy. I reiterate my comments posted earlier as anonymous (just out of fear of being misunderstood as sycophant) in response to the Post “Make things simple so happen and they will happen” dated 08.09.2010.
    It is beneficial if it does not border devotion to the extent of abject surrender and provides room for healthy and constructive criticism. But by nature we dislike criticism and love flattery. It requires tremendous self restrain and moral courage to accept and analyze the criticism calmly. Anger and vengeance are common reactions to the criticism if the person concerned has power and authority with inflated ego.
    It is this trait which has given rise to ever growing and flourishing culture of sycophancy because it is very easy and beneficial to both, as ego of the superior gets massaged and the subordinate gets booty in return, in the shape of promotions, desired postings and willful ignorance in corrupt deeds, even protection. And it prevails at all levels of governance. “Education and training” were devised for enhancing knowledge, morality and ethics. So, highly educated and well placed people were expected to act as beacons. But ….. it appears that everything is lost, hopes of common man are shattered.
    We have highly educated people with us, we have IIT ians with us, whose presence may have inculcated a sense of awe, inspiration, admiration and pride but in practice their morbid attitude and behavior towards their subordinates particularly those who point out the fallacies and corrupt practices in the system, may put even ITIs to shame.
