Sunday, December 19, 2010

Asli Nasha

Excellence in performance intoxicates, in fact it intoxicates far more than the strongest of intoxicants on planet earth. Deliverance also intoxicates and "Excellence in Deliverance" is an intoxicant, that if tasted once is almost impossible to give up.

And this is what I am witness to at present!

My belief in the capability of my team has got further reinforced with the deliverance of a world class control room, close on the heels of the tremendous work that has been done in record time at the flagship railway station at New Delhi. Yes, my team is on the move, tasting success in the process and perhaps sensing their true potential for the first time. My work at the division would stand completed, once this "move" converts to "self inspired sprints" that I am absolutely sure will happen with amazing regularity, in the foreseeable future.

There is absolutely no doubt that railway officers are generally brilliant. While the turf to exhibit brilliance exists, what generally deters is the presence of various blockades in the form of a plethora of policies, rules, procedures and systems. Such a man made "web" that exists in almost all sectors of governance in the nation is the biggest stumbling block to the emergence of India as a "developed nation". In one of my earlier blogs, a reference was made to "contained brilliance". Remove the barricades and let brilliance soar in the skies.

Soaring brilliance shall lead to a soaring railways and a soaring nation.


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