Saturday, March 6, 2010

The true path is different

I firmly believe that our way of doing things is definitely the wrong way, be it any sector, state or organization in the sarkari sector. Otherwise how does one justify our "bottom of the heap" ranking amongst the nations of the world.
If our way was the right one, our country would have been in the top fifty, but at present that seems like utopia.
Why the hell, this simple thought does not come to the majority of us, the top shot nincompoops of the nation? And why the hell it should come, because we are forever busy satisfying the unsatiable, the proven system and mechanism of non deliverance.
All my visits overseas have reinforced this belief of mine, that what we are doing is wrong and the way we are attempting it is even more wrong. But it is always easy to tread the oft beaten path and therefore we are where we are. Reckless chaos is what I would term the sarkari way of working in our country, but it keeps us terribly busy and satisfied. After all diferentiation between delivery and remaining busy is what we have been unable to learn even after spending a lifetime in service of the self, not of the people.
Overworked but underutilized as opposed to underworked but overutilized is the scenario in which I find myself and my colleagues in, almost all of the time.
When shall we change things physically on the ground?

1 comment:

  1. Jai Hind!!
    I absolutely agree upon what you say regarding things that are being done definitely the wrong way be it any sector, state or organization in the Sarkari sector. But, just would like to pen down that even though things are not straight we have good officers like you who actually knows the data and numbers (facts and figures) and several others too who are equally visionary and excellent persons with acquired great blend of knowledge with their experience.Being a Computer Engineer and into students’ politics from last ten years, what I have seen is that every individual has his own self consciousness, which differentiates him with others with respect to work both in Private and Sarkari (Public) sector. So called Neta’s (top shot nincompoops like chiefs of public sectors) who are been elected by the people of free India (who can differentiate between good and bad) vote and allow them sit over Bureaucrat’s and make the rules, who are not even 10th pass and does not even know how to read and write…the trauma of today’s time is that even though the good man in Sarkari sector wants to do good things he is either been stopped or is transferred. Therefore, it has become a tradition, which now been followed by everyone i.e., it’s better to sit quite rather than to roar loud. Therefore, everyone is busy satisfying their greed by following the mechanism of non deliverance.
    The world is still runs because in my belief we have still good people who dominate over evil (bad) otherwise the world would have ended. Yes, I firmly believe we each individual step towards the right way, will definitely make country ranks top fifty in coming years. We just need to spread awareness among un-privileged. We know that instead of developing our country, we have our policies made in such a way which is directly affecting our country’s growth. The rich is becoming richer and poor, the poorer. I heard some Neta’s saying that if we will not have poor than who will call Rich, a rich. If poor demands are fulfilled, they will stop giving them vote. There party runs on the principal of divide and rule….e.g., demolition of Babri Masjid in UP etc...Not in any particular ideology!!! My heart sometime cry and I feel suffocated, that being in a part of system, I cannot do anything except being a mute spectator……….. The reckless chaos in Sarkari offices though keeps them terribly busy and satisfied but still the future of country lies on them since they implement and execute policies….One amazing fact is that on an average Salary including the Government Concessions of MP is 2.66 Lakh/month!!!!
    Everyone have immense time and energy in order to serve millions of people… I always say “Charity sees the need not the Cause”
    Yash (9999000151)
