Saturday, March 13, 2010

The great indian railways

My belief that the core issue with the railways is the multiplicity of its organized services gets reinforced every day. This so called loyalty to the service, not the organization helps neither the service, nor the organization. It is however sad that this realization does not dawn on even the top echelons of the organization.
Many expert committees have in the past recommended the setting up of an "Indian Railway Service", but it is rather unfortunate, for the railways as well as the nation that this advice has not been heeded to.
I shudder to think what would have been the fate of the nation if the IAS and the national/state bureaucracies were also divided on the lines of the railways.
Railways is still a great organization, great because of its sheer size and number of employees. That way even India is great. True greatness would however come only if there is genuine concern for the HR, but that seems utopia at present. Departmental concerns override everything else, be it HR, concern for its clients or future growth.
When shall we start treading a different path that will make the railways truly great. I live on hope.

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